Thursday, March 26, 2009

4 questions with Sarah Bragonje

I realized that it is time to highlight one of the stalwart group of ladies we have on the team. Sarah Bragonje took time away from making extremely useful instructional videos (check them out) to let us get to know her a little better. She even managed to answer an "extra-time" bonus question. What stamina......

1. What would be your dream job?- I've always loved the nonprofit sector, and long term I would want to work with a nonprofit that rehabilitates former prostitutes and victims of sex trafficking. This would involve everything from addressing health issues (particularly drug rehabilitation), providing avenues for continuing education (like getting their GED or beyond), job training, housing assistance, and legal aid.

2. Describe your finest sports achievement- It would probably be when I was able to score a PK from almost mid-field (I kid you not). It was the sweetest Hail Mary shot EVER, and just sailed in over the opposition straight to the top corner. We won the game.

3. What has been your best memory of the MPA program?-It has been the people, which I was not expecting. From the groups I've worked with, to Phase 10 in the lounge, to the AWESOME activities, to our amazing soccer team, this has been blast.

Our amazing soccer team, in uniform

Editor's note: Sarah is the nicest Phase 10 player ever. She will wait a turn to go out if you butter her up enough, telling you that all you need is one more turn for your phase. I think that was you Sarah, wasn't it?

4. Where would be an ideal place you'd want to live?- I absolutely love the Mediterranean. Before I started the program, I was living in Essaouira, Morocco, which was AMAZING. If it weren't for the taxes and nippy weather, Edinburgh would be a top choice as well. It is beautiful, full of history, and the people are wonderful.

Essaouira, Morocco, at least according to Google......

Bonus question. What are you doing after you graduate?- Living in paradise and working at my dream job.

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