This man was a propaganda creation of the environmentalist movement. He was a superhero named Captain Planet that fought to save the earth from those that wanted to pollute it. These polluters were usually eeeeevil businessmen that were always trying to make a buck at the earth's expense. It's almost laughable how they depicted these businessmen as fat, angry, unkempt, and usually with a cigar in their mouths.
But I digress....
Captain Planet had five sidekicks called "Planeteers" and each one of them was from a different continent and each had a different power that was encompassed into a ring. The powers of the individual Planeteers are listed below.
North America- Fire
Europe- Wind
Asia/Australia- Water
South America-Heart (I still don't know what this means, but it is what it is)
When the Planeteers ran into a problem/businessman they couldn't defeat on their own using their own powers, all five would shoot their powers into the air with their rings, which would summon Captain Planet from out of nowhere.
So, now for the real question. What does this have to do with our soccer team?
Well, it seems that we have most every continent represented on our team. Think about it, most of us are from North America, but we have representatives from every other continent except Europe. Perhaps the reason behind our two-loss streak isn't an issue of X's and O's, rather it is probably because we don't have a European representative, which would allow us to combine all our powers and summon Captain Planet to defeat our opponents. Do we have any Europeans in the program? Does Moises count?
Anyway, our next game is this Saturday at 1 PM in the Indoor Practice Facility. We had a great fan turnout last time and we hope to have even better this week. Thanks again, and take care.
i think moises should count since he speaks about 5 languages.
I think Moises counts because he talks far more about (and goes more often to) Europe than he ever does Brazil.
So the question then becomes, why no Captain Planet. I figure you guys must be littering if you can't seem to get Captain Planet to come out.
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