It has the biggest bed, it's the closest bedroom to the kitchen, and to the family room (and by family room, I mean big screen and PlayStation 3). It's also far enough from the kitchen and family room so that sound from those rooms doesn't make it in if I want to go to bed early or sleep in. There is a bathroom not 6 steps from my bed. I love it.
Unfortunately my true home isn't where I lay my head at night. It's where I spend at least 8 hours of every day.
My office.
I should disclose that I got my own office the day I started my new job. My dad was quick to point out that he has spent his entire career in a cubicle, and that I'm being spoiled. I won't argue with that. However, I haven't really done much to spice up my office. I have some plans, but all I've actually done so far is to stick a few pictures to my door and to decorate the bulletin board that is behind me.
It's really nothing special, but it's home and I try to make it as such. Here's a picture of it just in case any of you care.
It needs a little TLC to be truly outstanding. Any suggestions on what to do with the 3 other completely white walls that aren't pictured?
A dartboard! In case you get bored.
Scott, I'm so glad your blog now has personal stuff instead of all that mumbo-jumbo you used to conjure up to fill your space. How exciting about your are my suggestions for your white walls. On the wall to the left of your bulletin board, do stripes, maybe in mauve and a creamy white. Princess Stephanie is a perfect choice with Evocative Sunlight as your second stripe, both of which can be found at RalphLaurenPaints. If the name, Princess Stephanie bothers you, there is a close match in color with Pomegranate. Then on the wall to the left of your striped wall, I found the perfect mural for you to put up. It is found at and it is a tuscan inspired mural of a quaint hillside with darling cottage in the foreground. It received a 5 star rating from customers who purchased it. Continue with the Evocative paint on this wall. For a bright wake-me-up color you need some form of yellow: Behr has a simply yummy color named Lemon Tart or if yellow is not your style, try Barnyard Grass. A soothing shade of green, yet with enough pop, that it will give you energy throughout the day. I think either of these colors will go well with the mauve. Now, I don't think I can improve on your 'bulletin' board wall. You have the talent of nicely placed pictures and whatever else you have on there. What is it a flag or two? Keep up the good work. Wait. A thought is coming to me. Maybe you could run some duct tape, a nice color, around your bulletin board to give it a nice frame. Uline carries 10 different shades of duct tape. Take care. Aunt Becky
Three words:
"Dwayne Johnson Fathead"
If you smellllll!!!!.....
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